Mongoose Group
The Manufactory
1 Alfred Mews
United Kingdom
Registered in the England and Wales.
Company No. 09527711
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The ‘Geese have kept an open forum to talk through how they are coping with WFH as well as sharing any hacks and tips they have to both be productive and keep morale up. To start us off here are a few words from our CEO, Chris.
There many lessons that will come out of the period of pandemic, not least the WFH key learnings. For me, I am looking forward to a break when we go back to the office. Not because there is tons more client work, not because my family are driving me insane, not because the home life chores are too much (although they are!) but because my time is now all spent actually speaking to people. Rather than sending an email or a text my day now consists of whatapp calls, Starleaf, WebEx, Microsoft Teams or Zoom (which is the best by a long way) and many other pieces of software that enable real life conversation. This lockdown has enabled the recreation of relationships! And our business is built on deep relationships no matter whether we are speaking to clients, suppliers, sponsorship prospects and so on. The top tip from me during this period…..and forevermore is PICK UP THE PHONE!
1. Have a routine
By far the most recommended tip from Team Mongoose. We like to have a plan for the day and for a large group of the ‘geese that unsurprisingly means exercise. Whether that be an online Pilates class, 5km run or walk, we are all doing our best to stay as healthy and active as we can. Outside of exercise, having breakfast or lunch at set times, getting up at the same time, or at least getting ready as you would for work, puts you in the right mindset. That does include taking breaks!
As a business on a Friday we have a happy hour - after a long week and busy schedules it’s a time for us to wrap up any work we have, begin to wind down and share plans for the weekend. Despite not being together in person, the ‘geese definitely have not stopped sharing a beer or a rosé, albeit over Zoom. From quizzes to testing out our creative drawing abilities, we are trying our best to have as normal an end to the working week as possible.
2. Keep in touch
At Mongoose we start with an all agency Zoom call at 9am, followed by our respective team calls, then another catch-up at the end of the day. In fairness, not everyone was keen on the video at first - let’s face it, it’s very off putting to look at your own face as you talk to people or have someone walk behind you in the background asking if you want a cuppa. That said, it is always reassuring to see the same group of friendly faces that would be seen day to day in the office, to talk work and also non-work topics.
People’s body language and facial expressions have always been a clear sign of how they are feeling – an indication of how they are approaching a situation or perhaps that they are confused and would prefer to ask a question outside of the wider group. Now more than ever it is important to be mindful of your words; in a situation where human interaction is decreasing and emails/calls are increasing don’t forget to be kind and polite. We are all in this together.
3. Set up a designated workspace
It doesn’t matter if you are in a one bedroom flat in central London or a house in the country, it is really important that you create a small space dedicated to work. This will not only get you into the mindset to work and help you keep focused throughout the day but also means that at the end of the day you can switch off by stepping away from your ‘office’. And try and make it an inspiring workspace, clear up any mess, add some daffodils and open a window!
Be mindful of the different positions you sit in and how this can affect your body but also your mind. Slouching with shoulders forward and back bent will make you feel tired because it stresses your muscles, but it can also change your mood. Try and set your computer higher up, or leave a note saying posture on your keyboard or even hang pictures of family and friends higher so you encourage yourself to look up when at your desk/dining room table/bed.
4. Get some fresh air
…keeping social distancing in mind.
Working from home is not the easiest of places for some and taking a break to get some fresh air is a great way to reset and refocus on your work. It is far too easy to spend the day sat in front of your laptop – putting a constant strain on your eyes and encouraging headaches. Find opportunity to look away or step away where possible – take a call on your mobile and move from your desk, why not take the call on your feet? Just an idea!
5. Stay hydrated. This means water not just coffee.
The majority of us like to have a coffee or two in the morning, whether that be when you get to the office or on your way, and at times we can often rely on drinking coffee rather than drinking water. Some don’t like drinking water out of a glass and prefer to use reusable water bottle. Others prefer to put a fresh lemon in the bottle to have a change. Either way, don’t forget to keep taking in the H2O.
6. Finally stay positive
While it may not be the way you have expected to spend some of your months in 2020, as a team we are trying our best to maintain a “glass half full” attitude, as this is a time when everyone needs a bit of positivity. Some have adapted to the change by reading more books, learning a language, reconnecting with friends who you wouldn’t speak to very often or trying out a new exercise. Where others may have a ‘down’ few days and need a little support. We all have our own responsibilities and struggles but it is key to remember that we need to continue to support each other and offer support where needed.
As Sir Winston Churchill said “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.”
Got a question, enquiry or fancy joining Team Mongoose? We’re always looking for new additions to the Mongoose burrow. Are you a hungry & motivated sales person or passionate & energetic activation specialist? We’d love to hear from you.
Mongoose Group
The Manufactory
1 Alfred Mews
United Kingdom
Registered in the England and Wales.
Company No. 09527711
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